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Dr.N.K.Cauvery, Padmashree T, Manasa M B “Distributed Algorithm for Independent Fairness Management to Control the Congestion in Wireless Sensor Network” in (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (6), 2014, 7602-7605.
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Padmashree T, Dr.N.K.Cauvery, Smitha G R, “Advanced Wireless Telemedicine application using Embedded Sensor and Android OS”, International Journal for Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 8, September, 2015.
Saurav Mawandia, Padmashree T, Dr. N.K.Cauvery, “Sharing and Storage of Personal Health Records in Cloud securely and reading and storing current health data using Sensor Networks”, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, Special Issue on Computer Networks, December 2015, ISSN:2321-0613.
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